The Editor-in-Chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, Kweku Baako Jnr, says some parliamentarians displayed gross ignorance in the case of the Ebola Vaccine trial.

Making a case for Professor Alex Dodoo of the School of Dentistry and Medicine, who has subsequently been summoned to appear before the House for describing the comments of some members of the House on the issue as uninformed and ignorant,  Mr Baako said parliament must admit some of its members exhibited gross ignorance on the subject.

He made reference to comments by members of the House such as Adansi Asokwa MP, KT Hammond, and Laadi Ayamba of Pusiga as clear examples of the ignorance the professor spoke about.

The two have opposed the decision for humans to be exempted in the EVD test trial.

The Ebola vaccine trial phase 1 is meant to test the response of the human system to the vaccine.
