A member of the government communications team, Mr Ametor Quarmyne has described as unnecessary the raging debate over whether NPP flagbearer Nana Akufo-Addo was consulted or not before the former Guantanamo Bay detainees were transferred to Ghana.

The new US Ambassador to Ghana, Robert Jackson, has been reported as saying “The Foreign Minister and this Embassy consulted about informing other stakeholders and so we did talk to Akufo-Addo before the transfer happened.”

His comments have once again sparked the debate over whether the New Patriotic Party’s presidential candidate was consulted before the detainees came to Ghana.

Members of the ruling NDC party see Mr. Jackson’s comment as proof that earlier denials by Nana Akufo-Addo, that he was consulted before the two detainees were transferred to Ghana were deceitful.

The NPP and its flagbearer have been at pains to stress that Mr. Akufo-Addo was merely informed by the US Embassy about the coming of the terror suspects at a time the detainees were already on their way to Ghana.

Commenting on the debate on Joy FM and MultiTV’s news analysis programme, Newsfile, Ametor Quarmyne who is also a Communications Consultant to the National Health Insurance Authority, (NHIA) stated that the issue has long been settled and must be allowed to rest.

“I can think in my mind’s eye that these two gentlemen (Gitmo two) have fairly well acclimatized themselves with the Ghanaian situation. When the issue first broke the debate as to whether Nana Addo was consulted or not came up and there were many explanations, we’ve had an extensive discussion about this issue. So for me it’s an issue that has fairly well been settled, as to whether we should resurrect it again as a national issue for discussion is neither here nor there. The government has stated its position clearly that it has taken them in, at this stage we should allow the matter to rest.”