Tarkwa- Nsueam Chairman of National Democratic Congress (NDC), Stephen Kwakye Antwi was on Saturday June 27 laid  to rest at Bonsawire in the Western Region.

Hundreds of sympathisers turned out at the premises of the Miracle Rock church, at Brenua-Akyem, a suburb of Tarkwa to pay their last respect to Mr Antwi .

He was  a contractor and Chief Executive Officer of Tafasoda Company Limited.He died in April.

The tearful ceremony was attended by Mr Kofi Portuphy, NDC National Chairman, Mr Alfred Ekow Gyan, Deputy Regional Minister, Mr Michael Aidoo, NDC Regional Chairman, Mr Francis Adu-Blay Koffie, Member of Parliament for Prestea Huni/Valley and Mr Oscar Larbi, Dean of District Chief Executives.

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana