There is an ongoing attempt by some high ranking state officials to cover up a case of defilement brought against a top Policeman who has defiled a 12 year-old Junior High School student, can report.

A press conference to speak to the issue will be held in Accra Thursday to reveal what is a sinister plot by an invisible quartet of state institutions to cover up the criminal act.

The 12 year-old, who is some seven months pregnant, and her family have unsuccessfully tried over the last seven months to be granted audience, in most instances having to beg to be heard.

This website has privileged information which trails what is a dark and evil arm-twisting strategy employed by the quartet to frustrate the adolescent in her pursuit for justice.

The press conference, which will address issues of child rights violation, will be held under the theme “stand for justice, speak for justice, fight for justice”. A detailed history of the crime as well as the actors involved will be made public.

Organizers say it is to push for a better justice system.

“We want to draw the attention of the Police to this, and also to bring him to book,” one of the organizers told

Both the victim and her family will be present, this website has been told.
