Former President John Dramani Mahama will today, Saturday 18 February join the people of The Gambia to inaugurate their new leader, President Adama Barrow.

The inauguration of the The Gambian leader comes weeks after he was sworn into office in The Gambian Embassy in Dakar, Senegal.

A statement from the office of the former president of Ghana signed by Joyce Bawah Mogtari, Special Aide, confirmed Mr Mahama’s trip to the small African state to join other world leaders and thousands of locals expected to attend the ceremony at the main stadium in the capital Banjul.

The statement said: “Barrow’s inauguration today, coincides with the 52nd Independence Anniversary of the small West African Country.”

Former President John Mahama was an ECOWAS Co-Mediator in the efforts towards resolving the election dispute that followed the December 01, 2016 election.

The Gambia’s ex-president Yahya Jammeh refused to leave office following his defeat. It took the AU and Ecowas to negotiate his exit from office.