Two female City Guards with the New Juaben Municipal Assembly in the Eastern region have been physically assaulted by some Police Recruits in the Koforidua Police Training School while going about their mandatory duties.

The recruits acted on the instructions of their boss identified as DSP Charity Danquah.

The two female city guards had their uniforms, buttons and underwear vest torn during the assault.

Kasapafmonline sources indicate that, the Police recruit acted based on directive from their commanding officer in charge of the training school, Koforidua. Sup. Charity Danquah.

According to sources, the two city guards arrested a taxi with registeration number GN 9477-12 own by the In-Charge of the Training School for flouting the bye-laws of the Assembly.

The driver who resisted arrest instead, drove the City guards to the Police Training School to report the City Guards to the Car owner.

Upon reaching the Police Training School, a livid DSP Charity Danquah, ordered the recruits to forcibly eject the city guards from the Taxi, challenging the constitutionality of their power to arrest drivers who flout regulations.

The Police recruits subsequently rushed on the two female city guards and forcibly ejected them from the taxi and put them behind ‘Counter Back’ in the Police station for several hours.

During the process of ejecting the city guards from the taxi, their uniforms were torn, buttons destroyed while one of the city guards had her Under wear vest torn. The Police recruits allegedly indecently assaulted the Police recruits.

Several hours later when the Superior of the city guards got wind of the incident, hewent to the Police Training School to save the ‘ incarcerated ‘ city guards.