A 2-year-old girl is battling for her life after a mentally ill person smashed her head on the ground several times at Agona Duakwa in the Agona East District of the Central Region.

The victim who was first sent to Agona Duakwa Salvation Army Hospital, was later referred to Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital and then transferred again to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital due to how severe the injuries are.

According to Abigail Bonko, mother of the victim, the mentally challenged suspect met the girl in front of her house, held her and started smashing her head to the ground several times unprovoked.

“I was cooking and while my daughter was coming to me at the kitchen, the mentally ill suspect met her, held her neck and started hitting her head on the ground several times. In the process, blood started oozing from her nose and ears profusely and so we rushed her to the Duayaw Hospital, but they couldn’t contain the situation and transferred us to Winneba. We were again transferred to Korle Bu for treatment due to my daughter’s condition,” the mother said in an interview.

She fears her daughter may lose her sight if she’s unable to get money to pay for her treatment.

“At Korle Bu we were asked to go for an X-ray and run other examinations on her. At the moment my daughter is not able to open one of her eyes, she can barely open the other one as well. As this point, we require a lot of money to take care of her treatment, but I am unemployed. So, I plead for support from the public to save my daughter’s life,” Abigail Bonko told Kasapa News Yaw Boagyan.

Reports say the suspect has for some time now been terrorizing residents.

Police have commenced investigation into the case.

Source: Kasapafmonline.com