The lives of drivers and passengers who use the steel bridge over River Oda at Anwiankwanta on the Kumasi-Obuasi road in the Ashanti Region, are threatened due to the near collapse state of the bridge.

The bridge which was constructed in 1960 by an Australian Company has not seen any maintenance.

The drivers and passengers have appealed to government and the Ministry of Roads and Highways to, as a matter of urgency fix it before it causes any fatality.

They told Osei Kwadwo of Kumasi based Abusua FM, one of EIB’s establishments that unless steps are taken to repair the damaged caused by erosion and weak structures, danger is imminent.

“We are appealing to authorities to come to our aid by ensuring the immediate repairing of the bridge which is now a death trap. We shouldn’t wait until there are needless deaths before we rush to have the bridge fixed.”