Rasta haired, Afoko during the early days of his trial

The Human Rights Court has adjourned to August 11, the case involving Gregory Afoko, the lead suspect in the murder of late Upper East Regional chair of the NPP,Adams Mahama.

This is to allow the trial Judge, Justice Ken Okwabi to study the docket.

Counsel for the suspect has petitioned the Human Rights Court for a bail for his client following a refusal of the  Magistrates Court sitting on the matter to grant bail to Mr Afoko.

Meanwhile, in a 28-paragraph affidavit in opposition to the application for bail filed at the court by lawyers for Gregory, it has been revealed that the clothes of the suspect which was retrieved by the police contained acid.

Gregory and Musah, his accomplice are standing trial at the Accra Central Magistrate Court for allegedly administering the acid attack that led to the death of Mahama.

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana