The Defense Minister, Dominic Nitiwul says his Ministry will retrieve every penny lost in unexecuted contracts in the past years.

He’s thus tasked  the Ministry’s Audit Committee to retrieve some USD 700,000 lost by the state to some four contractors who failed to execute projects they were awarded between 2006-2009.

Efforts by government to retrieve the contract sums are said to have proved futile.

But the Defense Minister in an interview with Accra-based Citi FM said the Ministry will go after the contractors to retrieve the monies.

“The Auditor-General has observed that the Ghana Armed Forces has given some contracts to about four contractors and $700,000 has been outstanding for sometime and I’ve tasked them to ensure that that money is recovered as quickly as possible.

“…They’ve reported to the police, they’ve reported to EOCO, they’ve reported to everybody. They do not want to use the Military Police to go and then people will say that they are harassing them, but like I said before we will recover that money, that is why I tasked them to ensure that money is recovered. Not even a single dollar will be left with anybody.

“…They’ll bring strategies, implementation and work to ensure that that is done, so that we can report back to parliament and say that Yes, though the Auditor-General raised that query, we have recovered that money.”