Entertainment host on Kasapa 102.5 FM, Kojo Preko Dankwa has launched an attack against president of Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG), Augustine Abbey over the latter’s involvement in an alleged financial malpractices at the Audiovisual Rights Society of Ghana (ASORG).

Preko, a convener of the popular arts-based pressure group of experts, Federation Of Concerned Arts Professionals (FOCAP), said for sanity to prevail in the ongoing investigations into the ARSOG financial malfeasance, Augustine Abbey who is popularly known as ‘The Great Idikoko’ and also an Executive member of ARSOG should step aside.

According to him, the hard earned credibility of the Film Producers Association of Ghana is at stake should Augustine Abbey still be at post as the president of the Association.

Read the FULL Statement by Kojo Preko Dankwa below.

Credibility as an hallmark is one of the criterion to measure a leader’s output. The creative industry has really suffered backlash when it comes to credibility and fairness.

I am amazed and surprised that members of FIPAG including the executive members do not find it worrying and disturbing that the reputation of their association is in question.

The current president of FIPAG who won unopposed is swimming in the pool of alleged dirty scandal of ASORG board members currently in court. Part of the current board members who have been sent to court by some members of the association which involves alleged allegations of financial malpractices is Augustine Abbey also known as Idikoko.

I was hoping with the dignity Augustine Abbey aka Idikoko has, he would have step aside as president of FIPAG and redeem his image on the ASORG court case and come back as president of FIPAG if found innocent of the allegations.

The ongoing court case accused board members of ASORG of which Idikoko is part and represent FIPAG for an alleged embezzlement of funds for the Society.

It would be a wise decision if Idikoko steps aside (not resign) and allow, court proceedings exonerate him. The position as president and to add to it went unopposed tells you how clean the position is and needs to keep that position clean devoid of dented image.

One should also understand that Idikoko stepping aside as president of FIPAG will allow proper scrutiny to be done and not to hamper processes.

It would be recalled that Film producer, James Aboagye was arrested with another man by the Oforikrom Police for allegedly extorting monies from unsuspecting music users in Kumasi and it’s environs who they issued with false receipts until they (suspects) were busted.

The case according to sources was left by ASORG but GHAMRO proceeded to court but the accused (James Aboagye) walks a free man (I stand to be corrected) and had the gust wanting to contest the general Secretaryship of FIPAG but was disallowed because according to them (FIPAG members), James Aboagye’s court case disallow him to contest for any position in the Association.

Hon. Richard Anane, Former Minister for Roads and Transport resigned when CHRAJ found him guilty of the allegations levelled against him in 2006. After the court (Fast Track court) went on with the issue of CHRAJ wrongfully arrogating to itself powers it did not have and also carrying out it’s own investigation into the matter without being petitioned by any other identifiable complaint, the court gave it finally verdict. Hon. Richard Anane resigned and after redeeming his image came back to pick his position again.

A group of petitioners who are also members of ARSOG petitioned the Copyright Administrator and the Attorney General over misappropriation of funds by the past and new AudioVisual Rights Society Of Ghana (ARSOG) board members.