The use of voters’ identity cards, drivers’ licence and baptismal certificates as proof of Ghanaian has been banned.

The country, however, maintains the use of birth certificates and passports.

It further introduces Residence Permits and other documents evidencing acquired citicizenship by foreign nationals.

This follows the passage into law under cerficate of urgency, the National Identity Register (Amendment) Bill, 2017, by Parliament on Friday.

Speaking on the sidelines of sitting in Accra, the Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authority (NIA), Prof. Ken Attefuah, noted that in the absence of the voters’identity card, drivers’ license and baptismal certificates, the identity of such applicants could be vouched by two relatives or two non-relatives to be determined by the National Identification Authority.

The current minimum age of 6 years, for registration has been eliminated, with the Authority now powered to register all children under 6 years with unique identification numbers.

This unique numbers will be tied to the particulars of their mothers or that of their fathers, in the absence of the mother.