A four year old girl, Diana Kusiwaa Agyapong has met her untimely death after she was knocked down by commercial vehicle at Bogyawe in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti region.

The death of the little has sparked anger among residents.

Information gathered indicates that Kusiwaa Agyapong followed her sister to market but was unfortunately  knocked down by the speeding vehicle.

The mother of the deceased Antie Nimakoaa speaking to Abusua FM’s Osei kwadwo Osei said the death of her child came to her as a shock as she didn’t know she had left home.

“I sent her elder sister to go to market not knowing Diana was following her. About 30 minutes later I had a call and I was informed that Diana had been knocked down by car. I went there and realized that my daughter had died on the spot” she said.

The angry youth after the incident have constructed speed ramps to help reduce such incidents from occurring as several people have been crashed to death ever since the road was constructed due to lack of speed ramps.

The Sub Chief of Bogyawe, Nana Boadu slammed Highway Authorities for their failure to construct speed ramps.