The New Juaben Traditional Council has called on the leadership of the Ewe Community in the Municipality to curb the disturbing rate of invocation of deity.

According to the Paramount Queenmother of New Juaben, Nana Yaa Dani II, the traditional council has been receiving too many complaints about Ewes invoking their hometown deities; at the least provocation which she says ruin families.

“Invocation of curses among Ewes are too much, who ever invokes curses will be fined with a goat, Schnapps and amount of Money. So today I want to tell you that invocation of curses destroys families and kills.  What will you gain from killing your brethren? If someone offends you, report to Nananom .The population of Ewes in New Juaben is high so we are all one people living together in peace but Ewes invoke curses too much so you must stop,” she stated.

The Paramount Queenmother said this Saturday February 3 during the installation of Rev. Sigismond Senyo Segbefia and Josephine Aseye Akagbo-Kudiablor as new Ewe Community Chief and Queen mother for New Juaben respectively.

The newly Installed Ewe Community Chief Torgbui Segbefia IV, a 59-year-old businessman and a former broadcaster known in private life as Rev. Sigismond Senyo Segbefia, a Reverend Minister with the Church of Pentecost couldn’t disagree with the concerns raised by the Paramount Queen mother adding that, his leadership will work hard to curb the menace to eliminate the stereotype through preaching of the gospel of Christ to his people.

According to the 2010 Population and Housing Census, population of Ewe migrants in the heterogeneous Munipality of New Juaben stand at 11%, the highest among all the migrants including Ashantis.

Historians suggest, the first Ewe settlers came to New Juaben around early 19th century and were allocated land by the late Nana Kwaku Boateng I to settle at present Anlo Town, a suburb of the municipality.

The non-hereditary Ewe Community stool was subsequently created for the Ewes to have leaders who will represent them at the New Juaben Traditional Council and other meetings for their welfare. The stool has however become vacant for the past ten (10) years. – Kojo Ansah