The largest opposition party in Ghana, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is set to lead a mammoth demonstration of opposition parties Friday morning to register their displeasure over the dismissal of the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Charlotte Osei.

The march is expected to begin at the Obra Spot, Kwame Nkrumah Circle at 7:00 and will see hundreds of demonstrators participating.

President Nana Akufo-Addo on Thursday sacked the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission Charlotte Osei and her two deputies – Amadu Sulley and Georgina Opoku Amankwah – from office.

The dismissal comes after some aggrieved employees of the Electoral Commission (EC) last year petitioned the president to dismiss the Chairperson of the Commission, Charlotte Osei.

The employees in a litany of accusation insisted that following her appointment as EC Chair, Mrs. Osei “compromised the independence and neutrality of the Commission by arranging for 2015 V8 Land Cruiser with registration WR 2291-15 from the office of the President for use as official vehicle without going through the procurement process or recourse to the Commission.”

Addressing a press conference at the NDC Headquarters in Accra at 11:00pm Thursday night, the National Organizer of the party, Kofi Adams accused President Akufo Addo of sacking the EC Boss and her two deputies to allow them to continue their rigging machinery, adding that Ghanaians will not allow this to happen.

“Tomorrow, the anger of the people will be shown on the streets. As I said earlier, they have bastardized every institution that we have in this country, indeed President Akufo Addo, Vice President Bawumia and his people have a termite mentality. Termites destroy and think that they’re building, what they’ve done is to destroy what we’ve built over the years but we’ll not sit down and allow them to continue the distraction.

“They have destroyed various ministries, the Civil servants have complained, CLOGSAG has issued letters, threats, they’ve done nothing about it. We’ll not allow them to extend their destruction to institutions like the Electoral Commission. This is an institution that we will religiously guard and protect. 

“We call on civil society, religious leadership of this country, Chiefs, Queen mothers  not to sleep on this matter. We should all rise and say enough is enough. They’ve done enough destruction and we’ll not allow them to continue with this destruction.”