Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has reportedly revealed that one of his deputies, Kembo Mohadi is in South Africa for medical treatment following a bombing incident in Bulawayo last Saturday.

According to the state-owned Herald newspaper, Mnangagwa said that Mohadi and the ruling Zanu-PF party chairperson Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, were airlifted to South Africa and were “responding well to treatment”.

An unexplained weekend blast narrowly missed the Mnangagwa himself but killed two bodyguards and injured over 40 people.

The report quoted Mnangagwa as saying that Muchinguri-Kashiri was operated on as shrapnel reportedly pierced through her chest.

G40 political faction

Mnangagwa spoke to BBC earlier this week and said that he suspected a political faction supporting former first lady Grace Mugabe of being behind the attack.

Mnangagwa, however, did not say the former first lady was involved in the blast. He said he expected that arrests would be made soon, an AP report said.

Mnangagwa was fired as longtime leader Robert Mugabe’s deputy in November after he became a target of the first lady’s G40 political faction. The military responded by stepping in and Mugabe resigned, ending 37 years in power.

Zimbabwe now faced a historic July 30 election, the first without Mugabe since independence from white minority rule in 1980.

Mnangagwa was under pressure to deliver a credible vote that Western countries see as key to lifting international sanctions.

