A prominent lecturer at the Political Science Department of the University of Ghana, Prof Ransford Gyampo has been caught on camera in the BBC Africa Eye’s “sex for grades” exposé has dismmised the allegations levlled against him describing it as defamatory.

He has served notice to file a suit against the BBC, saying the said investigation is a ploy by his detractors to silence him but that can never happen under any circumstance.

Prof. Gyampo who’s also the Head of European Studies at the University of Ghana is seen in the viral video asking an undercover journalist who posed as a student to marry him.

Not long after accepting to be the mentor of the lady, the Lecturer who is heard on the media speaking on all manner of subjects requested to visit her on a Sunday afternoon but she persuaded him to meet at her at the Mall instead.

Professor Gyampo was captured in excerpts of the video making “numerous inappropriate demands” from the student whom he had agreed to mentor.

He subsequently proposed to the student to marry him and revealed his desire to kiss her.

Speaking to Joy FM, Prof. Gyampo stated that there’s absolutely no truth in the allegations and urged the public to treat the so-called exposé with the contempt that it deserves.

“…I’ve not gone to have sex with anybody and I’ve not gone to change anybody’s grade. How can you talk about sex for grade relationship between a Lecturer and somebody who’s not his student? It is a bogus work done by the BBC, I told them right from the onset I gave them my side of the story but they decided not to listen.

Prof. Gyampo added:”I’m reliably informed that some people are behind them and they just wanted to tarnish my iamge. But let it be put out there that these things do not do anything to me, I’ve had text messages and whatsapp conversations that suggest that some people will just simply want to bring me down. BBC themselves said it that we learnt you’re powerful and influential and so this is what we want to do. And so my point is that how powerful and influencial am I? I’m just a teacher.”