Private Legal Practitioner, John Ndebugri has chided Pressure group, Let My Vote Count Alliance(LMVCA) for turning to statesmen in a move to woo them onto their side in the demand for a new voters register.

He’s questioned the position of the LMVCA to have the current album rated invalid by all means ,when the EC is set to take the matter on-board procedurally.

The former Zebilla legislator on the back of the LMVCA’s current appeal to former Presidents to get them weigh into the matter, he said is a clear stampede to force the EC into taking a decision that will favour them.

“This business of going to former Presidents is meant to invite them to act unconstitutionally”

….Are they saying that you can just go to a former President to decree that Article 46 should be set aside “he questioned in an interview with an Accra-based Citi FM.

He maintained that if the LMVCA means well for this course, it should rather wait for the EC to exhaust it’s means of addressing the issue.

The LMVCA is bent on ensuring the Electoral Commission compiles a new electoral album for the next elections, insisting that the current one has been compromised.

The pressure group in intensifying its campaign has called on two former leaders of Ghana,  J.J Rawlings and J. A Kufuor,as well as the leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) at separate engagements, to explain their position on the voters register and get them to support their course.
