The New Patriotic Party (NPP) says its Presidential candidate is in a clear lead ahead of his arch-rival, John Mahama.

The General Secretary, John Boadu said their collated figures put the NPP’s candidate, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in the lead with 6,085,708 representing 52.72 percent.

The results, according to the party were collated as of 2:15am from pink sheets, scanned, and sent to its national headquarters in Accra. It said the NDC said it is likely they will maintain the majority in the next Parliament as well.

“We now control three of the five regions in northern Ghana”, the NPP’s General Secretary, John Boadu told a press conference organised by the party in Accra at 3am on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the ruling NPP said it will refrain from declaring results, and leave that to the Election Management Body.

“However, from the results publicly declared, collated and announced at the constituency level, and also from our own internal collation system, the efficacy of which is not in doubt, we are happy to announce that we have so far collated and vetted, as at 2:15am, we have received in our situation room here in Accra, the scanned pink sheet results from 34,040 polling stations nationwide out of the total of 38,933 including special voting ones.
This represents 87.43 percent of all polling stations with 4893 outstanding.” Mr Boadu said.

He said for the first time, the NPP has been able to win the Hohoe seat in the Volta Region, which he said had been won by the Minister of Energy, John Peter Amewu.

Early on, the main opposition NDC announced some 36 constituencies it claimed to have won in Monday’s elections.

The Director of Elections of the NDC, Mr Elvis Afriyie Ankrah announced this at a press conference it organised at 12:40am, Tuesday, November 8, 2020.


Source:Ghana/ Fm