The Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana(CLOGSAG) has expressed concern with what they say is the usurpation of their positions by special assistants appointed by politicians at their various offices.

The group has asked the Chief of Staff to disclose the list of these assistants and the scope of their assignments in general for clarity.

According to the group, these special assistants often attend workshops and meetings on behalf of civil and local government staff which affects institutional memory as they are not staff of the offices they represent.

Speaking at this year’s May Day celebrations and thanksgiving service of the group, Isaac Bampoe Addo, Executive Secretary of CLOGSAG recounted instances where promotional avenues are blocked as these personal assistants to top political appointees encumber positions between the civil service and the Local Government services.

“For this month of May onwards, may we be spared the excesses of Personal Assistants or Special Assistants to top political appointees in interfering in the day-to-day activities of civil servants,” he said.

Source: Ghana/ Fm