The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) will today (Wednesday) afternoon meet to take a final decision on the Klottey Korle Parliamentary constituency primaries whose outcome is being challenged.

The Chairman of the Constitutional and Legal Committee of the party, Professor Mike Ocquaye made the disclosure in Court today.

The NPP last week asked the court presided over by her Lordship Patience Mills Tetteh for an out of court settlement after Lawyer Phillip Addison, who was defeated in the primaries sued the NPP at the High Court, demanding annulment of the Klottey Korle parliamentary primary results.

Mr. Addison and another, Nii Adjei Tawiah insist the election on August 2 which was won by Valentino Nii Noi was illegal.

According to them, more than half of the delegates were disenfranchised, and that the organization of the elections was in violation of the tenets of democratic principles that are supposed to govern the elections.

They also claim there was no accreditation and that the register that was used was not certified.

The election they say violated article 55 of the New Patriotic Party’s constitution. The petitioners are asking the court to declare that the election was an illegality.

However in court today, where all the party’s were present, the NPP prayed the court for an adjournment to allow the party’s NEC decide on the matter.

Her Lordship Patience Mills Tetteh after listening to the NPP’s plea granted their request.

The case has been scheduled for 22nd December.
