The lives of children and teachers of the Kukurantumi Seventh Day Adventist Primary School in the East Akim Municipality in the Eastern Region, are in serious danger due to the dilapidated state of their school building.

The facility has not seen any major renovation since its establishment, and is gradually becoming a death trap.

Conducting media personnel around the school, the Assistant Headmaster Mr. K.B. Asante, said the situation was a challenge they are finding difficult to deal with.

He adds that it has affected the enrollment of pupils.

Mr. K.B. Asante continued that persistent pressure on the contractor and Municipal Assembly to do something about the situation has yielded very little results.

“We have so many challenges in terms of building structure,  the old school building is now a death trap for both teachers and students” the pillars holding the building are weak and almost breaking so we all tread with cautions, we have warned the students not to get near the pillars.

“The contractor promised to complete the school building within the stipulated five (5) months period however it’s getting to almost 2 years and nothing has been done about the new building.”

Mr K.B Asante noted that supply of teaching and learning materials to the school which has not been encouraging, is affecting standards, adding the situation has compelled the teachers to buy most of the materials themselves to aid output.

“ICT is everywhere now, but it has become one of our major challenge. Students walk miles to the community library for ICT lessons paying GH¢0.50p per person. We are pleading with the government to fast track some of the developments including providing electricity, computers and teaching and learning materials to enhance education.”

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