Ernest Owusu Bempah, Deputy Communications Director of NPP

Pressure group, Fixing the Country Movement has announced a change of date for it’s planned demonstration and picketing at the former president’s office dubbed #ChaseJMKronoAirbus Demonstration, from 16th of November 2023 to 23rd November, 2023.

According to the group, the reason for the change of date is as a result of the funeral ceremony of the former first lady the late Mrs. Theresa Aba Kufour, which falls on the 16th of November, 2023.

“The movement would want to join the nation commiserate with the entire Kufour family on that day. However, a new date has been arranged and agreed with the Ghana Police Service, which is Thursday 23th of November, 2023.

“The Movement would also use this medium to reassure our teeming supporters and the general public to remain poised for the demonstration,” a statement signed by its Convener Ernest Owusu Bempah Bonsu stated.


Fixing the Country Movement on 13th October 2023 in a press conference held in Accra and addressed by Lead Convener, Ernest Owusu Bempah, served notice the group will picket the Office of former President who is perceived to be government official One as cited in the documents as well as the office of the Special Prosecutor to compel him to act.

According to the group court documents show documents for the sale were falsified in making payments to disguise the payment of bribes to GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL 1, citing  paragraph 136 of the US Court documents  which it said described Government official I as having a reputation for bribe taking.

The group said the current Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyabeng had in a public statement indicated that he was investigating the matter. However after more than a year of this pronouncement and after writing to the office no response or update has been received, a reason they have noticed to begin picketing at the Office of the Special Prosecutor and the office of the former president from November 16.

According to Ernest Owusu Bempah,  they want the Ghanaian justice system to open a thorough enquiry on the Airbus corruption because the group strongly believe the  former President culpable in the Airbus scandal.

He said the groups holds the view that Mr Mahama has a lot of questions to answer and as such they want to pursue a public manifestation to bring attention to the issues that have been allow to die a natural dead by our investigative authorities.

“We believe in public accountability and want to reiterate the point that no one is above accountability. If after the 16th November public manifestation, there’s still no action in that regards, Fixing the Country Movement will continue to lead a citizens coalition to congregate and picket in front of the office of former President John Mahama, the US Embassy and the British High Commission until action is taken on the Airbus saga”.

Mr Owusu Bempah said the group has been receiving threats since it served notice to picket at the former president’s house.

“Since the day we served notice to engage in this public manifestation, we have received threats from various NDC quarters. Truth is, we’re unperturbed and unfazed by any of the shenanigans flying around. We’re ready for the actual action on November 16, 2023 bearing in mind that we have complied with the statutory requirement to give notice to the police, and indeed the subsequent arrangement with the police for protection paves the way for the protest to come off as planned.”

The Fixing the Country Movement plans to handover a petition to the Special Prosecutor and the Former President.

Hashtag for the picket is #ChaseJMkronuairbus.