Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion: (NDC) Proposal For The Change Of Scope Of The Other Youth Rep (Sec....

INTRODUCTION Prior to the 2022 Constituency elections of our beloved NDC, elders of the party in their wisdom saw the need for the creation of...

Persistent Transport Fare Hikes, Is BRT The Answer?

It is high time the government through the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development use the Aayalolo buses at a...

In response to Kevin Taylor’s jealousy fueled attacks on Edwina Akufo-Addo

One of the greatest cons of the 21st century was the idea, invented whole cloth by the self acclaimed moralist and the mendacious Goebbelsian...

An Open Letter to Justin Frimpong Kodua (JFK)

Dear Justin Kodua, I bring you greetings from Ahensan in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, and I wish you a wonderful birthday as you turn...

The dangers of a nepotistic government – Lawrence Appiah writes

Nepotism is an advantage, privilege or position that is granted to relatives and friends in an occupation or field, which includes business, politics, religion...

NDC USA votes on December 3rd – Lawrence Appiah writes

NDC USA goes to Texas on December 2, 2022 to elect their Chapter Executives for the next four years. I must say that the...

Has Asiedu Nketia been forced to warn Dr. Duffuor on Ahotor Project

At a lawmakers conference held over the weekend with Ex-President John Mahama as a guest speaker, the General Secretary of NDC Johnson Asiedu Nketia...

What Do We Mean By A Property-Owning Democracy? – Boakye Agyarko

Dr. J.B Danquah, in 1961, penned the following statement, which has become the credo of our party, the New Patriotic Party. “The party’s policy is...

Mensah Thompson of ASEPA writes…..

Mensah Thompson of ASEPA writes..... IS THE MOTOR BIKE STRATEGY OF THE NDC A GOOD IDEA?? I just returned from a field trip in Ashanti Region...

NDC Congress: Amendment Committee to illegally remove Branches from voting

Ahead of the congress of the opposition National Democratic Congress(NDC) in December, strong indications have emerged that a crisis looms as there are moves...